MAHMUT ORHAN - Season Opening



Data: 29 Septembrie 2023, 23:00 Vineri


MAHMUT ORHAN - Season Opening at Fratelli Timisoara

After getting off stage from the main festivals of the world, Mahmut Orhan is joining us for the big season opening at Fratelli Timisoara
We’re gonna dance off the hits with millions of listeners - “Feel” cause “Everybody knows” and “Go-again” with a new season full of great changes for our Fratelli Family, shows and moments that will last forever
For sure you’ve all seen the virals videos online - but here’s a links to get you in the mood for the 29th of September, Friday.

Join us for an unforgettable season opening night with the one and only Mahmut Orhan
Get ready to heat things up as Julyan Dubson and Nomad set the pace in the sizzling warmup!
It's going to be a night to remember!

Mahmut Orhan

For reservations: / 0722.122.123
Fratelli reserves the right to select its clients, due to the capacity of the locations and the reservation list.
See you,
Fratelli Team
Access 18 +
Never drink & drive

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