City Sound Walks / Звукові прогулянки містом



Data: 26 - 30 Octombrie 2022


CONNECT, Community for Timisoara
The city itself has things to say, stories to tell. If we take a moment to listen, what are the sounds of the city awakening in us? Would we, Ukrainians and locals, reply the same?
The workshop, focused around a sound walk in the city, explores Timișoara through sound. Collectively we will use gathered sound recordings to reflect and create a new map of the city.
The workshop culminates in an event where the public can explore this new collective map and its personal audio origins, on October 30, at FABER. The event will also host a talk moderated by Teodora Borghoff, member of the curatorial team of Timisoara 2023 - European Capital of Culture, expert in community engagement and social inclusion. We will talk about identity, belonging in the city and the opportunities to create and fund social initiatives.
The workshop will be led by Jack Bardwell (UK, 1990), an artist and designer based in Rotterdam whose work focuses on creating spaces for collaboration and the strengthening of cultural scenes and communities. The workshops are free, but the number of participants is limited to 10 people per workshop.

October 26, 27, 28, from 14 to 18
October 30th, public event, from 16 to 20
City Sound Walks is part of the project CONNECT, Community for Timisoara, organized by Helixconnect Europe and FABER, and supported by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), a body of the European Union.



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