Ana Coman



Data: 6 Aprilie 2023, 20:00 Joi


Ana Coman is filling the Space with joy on April 6.
Although she has been singing since she was little, only in 2018 did Ana Coman realize that music is much more than a hobby. It started in the acoustic version, voice and guitar, at Radio Guerrilla, within" Ana are cântec" theme. Later, she held several concerts in underground cafes or clubs, then joined
Dan Minel Stoica on keys and guitar and Daniel Olteanu on drums and production. With the first piece in Romanian, Contratimp, Ana had a quick rise and participated in important festivals in the country (Rocanotherworld, Open Camp, Astra Film Sibiu, etc.). In March 2020 she released her debut album, 9 Missed Calls - 9 situatii conectate de aceleasi sentimente febrile, 9 nopti albe, 9 frici, 9 sperante, 9 visuri, 9 „e ultima oară", 9 țipete, 9 finaluri, 9 începuturi.
This event is 18+ or accompanied by parents or legal guardians.
Invites are available until 21:00.


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