Nopți de Vară



Data: 22 Iulie 2021, 18:00 Joi
Telefon Informații: 0752 177 643
Evenimentele trecute
  • 15 Iulie 2021, 18:00 Joi
  • 8 Iulie 2021, 18:00 Joi
  • 1 Iulie 2021, 18:00 Joi


We celebrate the best Thursday night out in the city.
You are invited amongst your best people to enjoy friendship and to make stories worth being told!
Keep it up guys and bring the good vibe with you! The rest we got all covered!
Forever yours, stOria

Music - @DjCRA
Starting at: 18:00PM 'til 02:00 AM
RSVP NEEDED: 0721 630 104
Adress: Eugeniu de Savoya 11

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