


Data: 16 Aprilie 2019, 21:00 Marți
Evenimentele trecute
  • 16 Martie 2019, 21:00 Sâmbătă


ZAUM is a passage toward the dark realizations of ancient civilization; in the form of a monolithic doomy mantra based meditative experience forged by bass and drums interwoven by sitar and synth textures. Based in New Brunswick – their live presence is very true to its recorded form featuring McDonald's both melodic and dark vocal styles met with elements of sectional Mongolian throat singing. Observers experience a calming process of reality whereby the astral and physical planes can co-exist and be understood from a natural perspective.

In late 2018, Zaum welcomed Nawal Doucette to take care of the visual performance and ambiance. Also, the trio signed with Listenable Records and will release their 3rd studio album in Spring 2019.

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