VLKN (Hu) - metallic crust+Five Foot Sky Goat (Tm) - sludgegaze punk


  • VLKN (Hu) - metallic crust+Five Foot Sky Goat (Tm) - sludgegaze punk


Data: 12 Ianuarie 2024, 20:00 Vineri


With members of Anchorless Bodies, Hypocreet's Breed and Satelles, VLKN is a new band called to life by social sensitivity and the bonds of friendship that determines the focused yet explicit way how VLKN defines its own tone. The members had a common history to share: guitarist Ball (also known for his presence in local nu-metal icon Insane) played together with drummer Kristóf (known for his activism as the member of melodic hardcore-punk band Satelles) in Subliminal Merger, and they wanted to write songs together again.
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