


Data: 12 Aprilie 2019, 22:00 Vineri


A morphosis is a biological process by witch a species physically develops after birth, ivolving a conspicuous and relatively abrupt change in the body's structure through cell growth and differentiation. Metamorphosis is an ancestral feature that we believe also humans can process in the times of spiritual and mental ascension. As this been said we'll take this ideea to guide us as an emblema of the event, moving forward from an inferior state of consciousness through out a more evolved, loving, caring and revealing form of our bodies and souls.We invite you to celebrate along with us in a journey that represents both the old and the new part of the transformation. Once a year we unite our crews to create a magical space for all the curious dancers that feel like welcoming the spring is a deep profound ritual. Let yourself be transformed.

• • • Methamorphic Providers • • •

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