Mohamad Zatari Trio


  • Mohamad Zatari Trio


Data: 29 Noiembrie 2020, 19:00 Duminică


Mohamad Zatari Trio was founded in 2019, with the vision of pushing the boundaries between sound worlds. The Trio has started a project with Sara Eslami (Tar - Iran) and Avadhut Kasinadhuni (Tabla - India). The resulting repertoire includes original compositions and rearranged traditional pieces from West Asia and North Africa that fuse timbers and techniques in a form of storytelling.
Sara Eslami (Tar & Composer - Iran)
Avadhut Kasinadhuni (Tabla - India)
Mohamad Zatari (Oud & Composer - Syria)
The event is hosted by the Romanian Peace Institute – PATRIR as part of the STIRE Cultural Market. The Syrian cultural market is designed as a social interaction three-day event for bringing together the resettled people of Syrian origin with established diaspora and/or refugee organizations in the region from the same/similar origin.
The project STIRE – Supporting the Integration of the Resettled is funded by the Fund for Asylum, Migration and Integration of the European Union. The content of this event represents only the views of the author and is the sole responsibility of the author. The European Commission is not responsible for the use made of the information contained therein.


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