


Data: 29 Octombrie 2022, 20:00 Sâmbătă
Evenimentele trecute
  • 9 Octombrie 2020, 18:00 Vineri
  • 12 Mai 2020, 20:00 Marți
  • 12 Martie 2020, 20:00 Joi


Bosquito is a Romanian rock band formed in Brașov in the year 1999. The group's current line-up consists of vocalist/guitarist Radu Almășan, drummer Dorin Țapu, guitarist Ciprian Pascal, bassist Mircea “Burete” Preda.
The band is well known for infusing their songs with diverse influences, including Gypsy music, Latin, balkan, punk, and elements of symphonic music. The group has released 5 albums to date with several top-charting singles including "Pepita", "Marcela", "Bosquito", "Hopa Hopa", and the ballad "Două Mâini", which reached #1 in the Romanian Top 100 and remains one of the most celebrated love songs in Romanian music

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