


Data: 21 Septembrie 2023, 20:00 Joi


Sorin Romanescu – guitar
Cristian Stanciu-Matze – visuals
Sorin Romanescu and Cristian Stanciu-Matze come together for a one-of-a-kind event that combines the magic of music with the allure of video projections. Join us at the renowned JazzBook Club for a night that promises to transport you to a realm where sound and visuals intertwine.
Sorin Romanescu: Guitar


Sorin Romanescu's fingers dance across the strings, conjuring melodies that tug at the heartstrings. Renowned for his mesmerizing guitar performances, Sorin effortlessly weaves intricate harmonies and rhythms that transcend genres.
Cristian Stanciu-Matze: Visuals
Cristian Stanciu-Matze, a visionary visual artist, will seamlessly blend his talents with Sorin's music. Through a symphony of video projections, Cristian will create a breathtaking visual narrative that mirrors and enhances the musical journey. His projections will paint the air with vivid colors, transporting you to different realms that perfectly complement Sorin's sonic landscapes.
Don't miss out on this remarkable evening that celebrates the union of two artistic realms.


Media partner: Radio Romania Cultural
AQUA Carpatica and Domeniile Samburesti backed event.



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