Julyan Dubson & Lucian K


  • Julyan Dubson & Lucian K


Data: 11 Ianuarie 2020, 23:00 Sâmbătă
Telefon Informații: 0722 122 123


Turn up the lights in here, baby
You know what I need
Want you to see everything
Want you to see all of the lights!

We are preparing a special moment this Saturday!
Be part of the experience and join us in dance.

ENTRANCE: ♀20 ♂30
Dress code: Smart casual​ is what it sounds like: a style that's somewhere between formal and ​casual​. It's what you ​wear​ when you can't ​wear jeans and a t-shirt, but you're not in suit territory, either. 

For reservations: officetimisoara@fratelli.ro 
Fratelli reserves the right to select its clients, due to the capacity of the locations and the reservation list.

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