Heroes of the summer



Data: 20 Iulie 2019, 21:00 Sâmbătă
Preț: Intrare liberă
Telefon Informații: 0744 291 242
Evenimentele trecute
  • 19 Iulie 2019, 21:00 Vineri


Once in a while we grab our partners and throw the best parties for you! This is how the best stories are born, here  Storia - the place to come back at, over and over again!
Good atmosphere thanks to StoriaPeople! You are awesome guys! Keep on bringing good vibes with you, ‘cuz we have everything else covered!

Music :
FRIDAY - Cesar Torres
SATURDAY - Razvan Cioara

Starting at: 21:00
RSVP: ‎0744 291 242
Adress: Eugeniu de Savoya 11

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