HENGE & Volga Arm


  • HENGE & Volga Arm


Data: 24 Aprilie 2024 Miercuri


Attention Humans! This is HENGE.
We are not from this world.
We bring you music from distant planets.
We offer this gift for the edification of humankind… so that eventually your species may put an end to war and set up new homes in space.

Extra-terrestrial joymongers - HENGE - have been delighting audiences in the UK and Europe since they landed on Planet Earth eight years ago. Their scintillating live performances earned them ‘Best Live Act’ at the Independent Festival Awards and they have since cemented their reputation with three acclaimed albums, numerous tours and regular main-stage festival appearances.
Their music escapes definition, but occupies a space between rave and prog rock that nobody knew existed. It is energetic, subversive and invigoratingly playful, jovially going ‘where no one has gone before’. Ultimately, HENGE are spreading a message of hope which leaves audiences feeling amused and uplifted in equal measures.
Volga Arm (TM)
Volga ARM este o trupă nouă cu muzicanți noi şi vechi, ce şi-a avut perioada de incubație în anii 2020-2021, când au fost compuse piese, scrise versuri, gândite platforme program, renunțat la tot şi reînceput, totul într-o maniera aleatorie şi inconsecventă. În 2022, primele creații au fost eliberate în lume sub forma unor cântece cvasi-rock, luminoase şi pluri-potente despre neputințe şi nepăsari. Volga ARM este Toma & Joy & Denis.



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