La masă – Art in Sibiu Airport



Data: 15 Aprilie 2019, 14:00 Luni


Unde? - Aeroportul Internațional Sibiu

Seven artists from seven countries who contributed to contemporary Transilvanian Cuisine are showing photography and painting related to the thematic “food”.

The exhibition is visible in the public access area of Sibiu International Airport, between 15 and 31 of May, 2019. According to official estimations, about 1 Million people will see the art-exhibition. It is one of the most visible exhibitions in Romania ever. “Esthetic and creativity are parts of our life, therefore art has to go into people’s daily life”, states Thomas Emmerling, curator and director of Kunsthaus 7B in Cisnadioara. He continues “It is the second exhibition at Sibiu Airport in a row, airport and art are both symbols for freedom”. This year the exhibition is on a broader European level. The participating artists are:

Patrizia Casagranda, Trento, urban art with painted gips and wood
János Eifert, Budapest, photo
Nicolas Friess, Paris, photo
Klaus Pichler, Vienna, photo
Albert Sofian, Sibiu, painting
Evanghelia Taka, Thessaloniki, painting
Ingrid Weiszman, Berlin, painting

The thematic had been chosen because in 2019 Sibiu is European Gastronomical Region. Until 03rd May parallel some works of the mentioned artists are visible as well in Kunsthaus 7B in Cisnadioara. From 22nd May – 31. December a second part of the exhibition will be displayed at Airport Cluj.

The event is supported by EUNIC Network of European Cultural Institutes, German Consulate in Sibiu, Austrian Cultural Forum, Balassi Institut, Institut Francais and Sibiu 2019 European Gastronomical Region.

Sponsors are Automobile Bavaria, Discover the Soul of Transilvania, ecart, invetsy Vienna


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