Sibiu Web Meetup #40 - Architecting the future of web apps


  • Sibiu Web Meetup #40 - Architecting the future of web apps


Data: 20 Iunie 2024, 19:00 Joi
Locul:Sibiu, Biblioteca "ASTRA"


Have you ever wondered how a large-scale, collaborative online editor is built? Well, join us on the 20th of June for the next Sibiu Web Meetup to learn firsthand from one of the people who created the platform for some of the most well-known editors out there: Photoshop, Creative Cloud Express & others.

In this session, we’ll find some behind-the-scenes insight into how you start building an online editor, how you can scale it to various resources, and what an example architecture looks like.

From technology choices to tracking those 60fps, to pains, you’ll find in the web world, to making collaboration possible for up to 60 concomitant users, and how a project like this influences the browsers themselves. We cannot wait to have this discussion with Aleodor Tabarcea on the 20th of June, see you there!

Subject: Architecting the future of web apps
Speaker: Aleodor Tabarcea - Engineering Manager
Time: ~1h


Livestream disponibil, pe canalul nostru de YouTube.

Eveniment sponsorizat de Ropardo Software Engineering.

Sibiu Web Meetup, fondat în 2018, este un meetup gratuit deschis tuturor celor interesați de dezvoltarea web, design web și subiecte aferente. Aici, experiența nu contează, oricine este binevenit, fie că ești student, junior sau dev senior. Un meetup care se concentrează pe schimbul de cunoștințe și pe construirea unei comunități.

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