Mother of Millions/Oceans of Orion/ Nocturnal Eternity


  • Mother of Millions/Oceans of Orion/ Nocturnal Eternity


Data: 24 Octombrie 2024, 20:00 Joi
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Evenimentul:Mother of Millions/Oceans of Orion/ Nocturnal Eternity
Începutul evenimentului:24 Octombrie 2024, 20:00


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MOTHER OF MILLIONS este o formatie prog-metal, compusa din 4 membri, cu sediul în Atena, Grecia, avandu-l vocalist pe George Prokopiou de la Poem.

Trupa a lansat 4 albume, „Human" (Bungalo 2014), „Sigma" (ViciSolum Productions 2017), Artifacts (ViciSolum Productions 2019), Orbit (ViciSolum Productions 2022), bucurandu-se de cele mai pozitive recenzii din partea publicului si a presei muzicale globale. Un nou EP intitulat „Orbit" a fost lansat recent, in timp ce trupa lucreaza la un nou album.
Grupul a susținut spectacole sold-out la Atena, a facut turnee in Europa si a impartit scena cu artisti precum Pain of Salvation, Devin Townsend, Leprous samd.

Sound-ul Mother of Millions este in acelasi timp masiv cat si cinematografic, cu peisaje sonore intense care implica ritmuri elaborate, estetica populara si melodii rock progresiv.

Oceans on Orion is a Modern Metal band from Tel Aviv, delivering a unique blend of metalcore-inspired riffing, 80’s golden era vocal harmonies, solid songwriting, and powerful lead vocals. Known for their energetic live performances and video productions. Oceans on Orions released multiple videos as singles including: Tomorrow’s Rain, LOVE, Start from Nothing, Weaponized Misery, Killing the Messenger, leading up to their debut album which was released early 23′ to great reviews. After the release, Oceans on Orion released a follow up video and single, “Tame”. The song featuring 8 Lives down Singer Aliki Katriou and also received positive reviews and extensive airplay.

The band has been nominated for band of the year as well as song of the year for “Tame” in by Israel’s leading Rock radio station.
Nocturnal Eternity is a local bands that will open the show.

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