EXTRAVaganza on Fratelli's catwalk



Data: 31 Decembrie 2019, 22:00 Marți
Telefon Informații: 0758 551 111


Ladies and gentlemen, and all you glamorous souls!

EXTRAVaganzza is ON!
Don’t dream it! Be it! Because YOU are the EXTRAVaganzza ON FRATELLI’s CATWALK on New Year’s Eve Party !That is the proper way to enter 2020! Like a real DIVA!

This New Year's Eve make your way to Fratelli, party people!
You come to party and we got the RED CARPET ready, the glammy set-up, the fun, the sparkles, the finest drinks and food;) Why? Because ELEGANCE is the only beauty that never fades. And we want YOU to be THE DIVA, just like at Hollywood So, take care with the paparazzi! They’ll be right there ready for the perfect photo with you!

Be sure the magic and the STARS will bring to life the most amazing experiences, in one night that you will never forget!
The glamour, the fun, the dancing, the music and the utmost shows, all put together in one amazing night to mark the crossing of years.

Be our guests in a Fratelli Iasi New Year’s Eve Party, on 31st of December, starting with 22:00, and expect nothing more and nothing less than a splash of elegance.

Dance, eat, sing, drink & repeat!!

>Dress Code: Take that Elegance for the RED CARPET Photo 
>Price : Tickets Starting with 199 Lei

See you on the Red Carpet,
Paparazzo of Fratelli

Access 18 +
Never drink & drive
We do not endorse the use of drugs

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