Say Hi To Ethereum



Data: 19 Decembrie 2018, 19:00 Miercuri


Location:  Fab Lab Iasi str. Randunica TEX6
If you’re interested in cryptocurrencies, blockchains or anything in between, come join us at the first ever EthIasi meet-up in collaboration with FabLab. It will be focused on Ethereum, decentralised applications and the spooky idea of incentive alignments 

Technical, economic and math concepts will be discussed, so stay curious. The main goal is to raise awareness on the latest innovations in distributed networks and blockchain technology, but, importantly, have fun while doing so 

There will be cryptocurrency prizes awarded to some participants, but more information about this on the premises. See you there 

Many thanks to FabLab Iasi for providing the necessary geospatial support for organising this meet-up 

Co-Organisers ⚒
- Paul Răzvan Berg, contributor to go-ethereum - the main Ethereum client - and absurdist at @ChronosProtocol
- Răzvan Apostu, founder of VanSoftware and Computer Science student at UAIC


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