Iași Business Mixer 2019



Data: 19 Septembrie 2019, 09:30 Joi
Locul:Iaşi, Verdi - Congress Hall


ABSL Romania, with the support of our Partners and Members, is pleased to invite you to the 4th edition of Iași Business Mixer 2019, on September 19th, starting with 9:30 AM, at Congress Hall Palas.

The theme for this edition is: The Art of Moving the Needle: Transformation in Business Services.

We can no longer talk about business without talking about transformation in all relevant layers: human resources, technology adoption, digital transformation, organizational culture – basically, every aspect of the way we are doing business nowadays. In every organization, success will most likely follow only when both the company’s and employees’ vision and needs are moving the same needle, based on a mutual understanding of what’s important. So, we invite the business services community in Iasi to discuss on how we are moving the needle in this industry.

The purpose of the event is to facilitate best practice sharing between companies, acknowledge the challenges and the opportunities ahead and to prepare the participants embrace the future changes. Join us!

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