The Boy Who Cried Wolf



Data: 1 Decembrie 2014, 20:30 Luni
Preț: Intrare liberă
Telefon Informații: 0372 723 200 ; 0735 004 001


The Boy Who Cried Wolf started their activity as two local bands from Bucharest collided ( CHESTER & Breathelast ), and Bogdan and Mihai gave it a sincere go to writing some tunes that would better react to their primal needs to play some wild , fast paced metal, inspired by old school metal combined w/ Hardcore / Punk vibes. Soon to be joining them, Şerban-Ionuţ (White Walls bass player and promoter extraordinaire), joined TbWcW, as he moved his activities to Bucharest, Alex (Backstage Hero / Perfect Zero For Infinity) joined on drums and the wolf pack was complete. 2012 placed TbWcW in rehearsal rooms and deep in song composition and manufacturing kick ass songs, only to find themselves touring, for a small part of the White Walls Autumn Tour.

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