Deborah De Luca


  • Deborah De Luca
  • Deborah De Luca


Data: 4 Octombrie 2024, 23:59 Vineri
Ediții anterioare
  • 7 Ianuarie 2023, 23:00 Sâmbătă


No accurate depiction of electronic music culture would be complete without special mention of Deborah De Luca. Widely acknowledged as one of the most prominent flag-bearers for Techno globally and a regular fixture inside the world's most distinguished DJ booths, Deborah has the unique ability to transfix crowds with her electrically charged, technically nuanced sets, fusing hard techno with minimal grooves and melodic soundscapes to absorbing effect. A pioneer in the use of social networks as a promotional tool, whilst somehow managing to retain a strong sense of discretion in her private life, Deborah is unrivalled in her determination and passion, earning every part of her current status as one of the most exciting talents to emerge from the international Techno scene over the past decade.
This event is 18+ or accompanied by parents or legal guardians.
Invites are available until 1AM!



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