

Data: 5 Mai 2022, 20:00 Joi


Buda Pop Tour MMXXII - Cluj Napoca
Ivan & The Parazol would like to present their newest album Budai Pop, written in Hungarian for the first time in Romania. Relax, there will be older songs too.
Mörk will also be at this party. They also have a new album. And they will also play old trekkies. So relax. The guests of the evening are Funkorporation.
Early Bird 35 RON (limited number)
Presale 45 RON (limited number)
At the gate 55 RON (this may be unavailable if the capacity is reached with the presale tickets)
Ivan and the Parazol
In 2010 a couple of young musicians form a band in Budapest. Their first goal is to put together a concert material that can be played on stage. Once that's done, the rest will follow: a name, a second gig and then another (they'll be in a hurry to get there from graduation), a video, then to be played on MTV, a MySpace profile, a pair of pants for the female section, and if they've already gotten on the radio for an interview, then to show off their latest song. The people inside like it, they're happy about it, and they can't believe it's been played so many times, that they're at their parties, that they know the lyrics... but the goals! They left out the most important thing they had formulated for themselves: to create a production that knows no borders, where compromises can only be made between each other, that shows how rock 'n' roll is played now, that creates its own ever-expanding musical playing field. It is in this place that they find the freedom that they hold on to as a unit and as individuals at all costs, that (beyond their songs) people can relate to and want to, that floats unspoken between them and their audience at their shows. This spirit culminates again on their latest album, Budai Pop, after a crazy decade-long journey.
A circle with a line on top. A new era of Urban Zen. Craziness with depth. Grooves with thought. Catchy tunes played from our souls...
Soul, Funk, Pop, Rock, Jazz and Hip-Hop, you name it, we play it - to express!
Behind the scenes stuff and awesome mushroom soups form the backstage:
FUNKorporation is a band from Romania, Cluj Napoca founded in 2011. In 2019 the band played at Romania`s largest festivals like Electric Castle, Untold, Afterhills Festival. Also went on two tours in Hungary, Austria and in the Baltic states.
Released a new song “Set Me Free” and the album Kronikl, a snapshot of different stages of the band`s life, a reflection of the shared experiences, the ups and downs that united 8 people in one big family.
Nominated for Hemi Music Awards 2021, and InesTalent 2021.
Funky grooves, heavy low ends, exceptional vocals, spicy wind instruments, mixed with some jazz, soul, blues, disco and positive attitude!


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