Afrobeats Thursday



Data: 27 Iunie 2024, 23:00 Joi


Accesul este permis doar persoanelor peste 18 ani.
Get ready to groove at /FORM Space for Afrobeats Thursday with DJ Oldskull on June 27, 2024!
Immerse yourself in the vibrant and infectious rhythms of Afrobeats. DJ Oldskull will be spinning the hottest tracks, bringing the energy and culture straight to the dance floor.

Best of all, we're offering free entry for everyone, all night long!

Don’t miss out on a night filled with pulsating beats, dynamic dancing, and an electrifying atmosphere. Get ready to dance the night away!

Get 20% off all drinks at Space using your George card.

This event is 18+ or accompanied by parents or legal guardians.
Invites are available until MIDNIGHT.

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