TechBBQ 2020



Data: 7 Mai 2020, 19:00 Joi
Locul:Cluj, Iulius Parc


Brought to you by ClujHub in collaboration with Iulius Mall Cluj-Napoca, TechBBQ is beyond a regular barbeque, it is an opportunity for the tech & IT communities from Cluj to connect and even re-connect in a relaxing and pleasant context. We welcome anyone who has a passion / interest in tech & IT - whether you are a savvy or a Junior, a talent or a recruiter, an expert or an enthusiast.

We are excited to share some good food and a good time on the 7th of May at Iulius Park, from 18.00. Free admission.

Atmosphere: chill, friendly, unpretentious, agenda-free (No agenda, just grillin’ n chillin’), and brimming with Ultra Smart People.

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