Congresul Internațional de Medicină Dentară pentru Studenți și Tineri Medici DENTis 2023


  • Congresul Internațional de Medicină Dentară pentru Studenți și Tineri Medici DENTis 2023


Data: 6 - 8 Aprilie 2023
Locul: Universitatea de Medicină și Farmacie “Iuliu Hațieganu”, Cluj-Napoca


Universitatea de Medicină și Farmacie “Iuliu Hațieganu”, Cluj-Napoca
str. Gheorghe Marinescu nr. 23, Cluj-Napoca
6-8 aprilie 2023

The International Congress of Dental Medicine for Students and Young Doctors, DENTis, is ready for its 23rd edition! Gather your friends and let’s meet again this April to keep this beloved tradition alive!
Every year, our University has the pleasure to reunite Romanian and foreign students and doctors, in order to share their perspective regarding Dental Medicine. Everything happens, as you already know, in the spectacular city of Cluj, ready to host all of you again!

Besides captivating lectures with interesting cases presented by national and international doctors, our Congress will be full of entertaining workshops regarding different dental fields. It’s that time of the year again, when we make new friends, discover enthralling things and party together.





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