Simion Bogdan Mihai & Lautarii de Matase


  • Simion Bogdan Mihai & Lautarii de Matase
  • Simion Bogdan Mihai & Lautarii de Matase


Data: 25 Noiembrie 2023, 20:00 Sâmbătă
Artiști:Bogdan Simion
Ediții anterioare
  • 3 Martie 2023, 20:00 Vineri


Simion Bogdan Mihai & Lăutarii de Mătase at /FORM Space.

The cobza player of traditional music Simion Bogdan-Mihai, together with Taraful Lăutarii de Mătase, presents a new show for the first time at Form Space, Saturday 25 NOV.

Born in 1990 in Râmnicu-Vâlcea, Bogdan started studying cobza at the age of 15. Starting in 2006, he traveled around Romania, collecting fiddle songs and learning from the few surviving fiddlers. He has collaborated with artists from various musical areas such as Taraf de Haidouks, Les Elephants Bizarres, Chimie, Samurai, and others. Since 2017, he has held numerous fiddle music concerts with the Lăutarii de Mătase troupe.

He worked on the soundtrack of the documentaries "Flavors of Romania" and "Wild Carpathia" made by the British journalist Charlie Ottley. On May 1, 2021, he released the album "Valahia in Demol". The album was produced by Adrian Despot.

This event is 18+ or accompanied by parents or legal guardians.
Invites are available until 9PM!


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