

  • Raresh


Data: 10 Mai 2024, 23:59 Vineri


Accesul este permis doar persoanelor peste 18 ani.
Raresh is for good and all one of the fundamental figures of the actual electronic scene. Originally from Bacau, the clubbing scene has attracted him since he was 15 years old when he started to spin records in a small club, marking his ascent at the turntables at an age when most of the children were playing soccer in the courtyard.
In 2007, he launched alongside Rhadoo and Pedro the [a:rpia:r] label, whose activity brought each one their well-deserved place in the top of the clubbing hierarchy, becoming one of the most loved and appreciated Romanian djs. Also in 2007, he joined the Cocoon international family, under which he managed, across the years, to collaborate with other artists for two compilations signed under the Cocoon label.

Alongside his mate Praslea, he launches in 2012 a successful duo called “Praslesh” under which they signed the “Out of time” EP at the freshly launched Romanian label, Understand.

With constant gigs all over the world, a strong label, forward releases, two accomplices to ratify the ping-pong – back to back in three – Raresh
has proved, no doubt, what a complete dj means and now enjoys all the support and admiration of the electronic music scene lovers.

Get 10% off at ticket purchase on iaBilet and 20% off all drinks at Space, using George card.

This event is 18+ or accompanied by parents or legal guardians.
Invites are available until 1 AM.

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