Mobius Gallery


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Tipul: Galerie
Nivel de prețuri:
Mar - Sam:14:00 - 20:00

Informații de contact

Telefon: +40 726 152 156
Adresa: Str. Dumbrava Roșie, 18, Bucharest, Romania


Mobius Gallery

Art gallery

MOBIUS has an international exhibition program with a particular focus on Eastern Europe. The gallery aims to stimulate dialogue and exchange between the Eastern European art scene and the international community through a series of special exhibitions, publications, events, and artist talks. In 2016, the gallery organized the Romanian premiere of the artist collective AES+F with a solo show titled "Inverso Mundus", curated by David Elliott, followed by a special project at Art Safari in 2017 with a premiere of their multi-channel installation, "Allegoria Sacra". The gallery has also published surveys of Roman Tolici, Lea Rasovszky, Andrei Gamart, Anna Kohodorkovskaya, with texts by Beral Madra, Matt Price, Eugen Radescu, Pascal Bruckner, Oana Tanase and many others.

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