2020 Seniors & Kids Wbjja European Open Cup



Data: 27 Martie 2021, 10:00 Sâmbătă


Unfortunately, due to the grow number of people infected with covid 19, the event will be again postoped for the next year, probabli 27 March.
More detailes soon!
Unfortunately, the pandemic with Covid-19 did not pass and Romania continues the restrictions and the sports competitions being still banned during this period.
Due to this inconvenience we have to postpone our event AGAIN until October 24, 2020. We apologize for this inconvenience!
Registrations will remain open until october 17 th for those who still want to register.
10.03.2020 IMPORTANT UPDATE Due to Coronavirus threat, the Romanian Authorities decided to suspend any kind of sport activities. In this major situation, the event will be postponed. The reschedule will be announced aT the end of March. We apologize for this situation. The registration will remain open!
ENG: Greetings and welcome to our event in Bucharest, Romania! This tournament is OPEN for all countries.
Seniors registration here: https://wbjja.smoothcomp.com/en/event/3485
Kids registration here:https://wbjja.smoothcomp.com/en/event/3476


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