Transylvaliens Festival promo party



Data: 29 Mai 2015, 22:00 Vineri


Transylvaliens Festival promo party - PROGRESSIVE / PSYCHEDELIC / FOREST / GOA TRANCE EVENT / Aliens behind the decks.

  • ATMA - LIVE ACT - BMSS Recordings
  • Lygos - Transylvaliens crew, Romania
  • Latam - Thrancians, Romania
  • Hase - Transylvaliens crew, Romania
  • Nude Dude - Transylvaliens crew, Romania
  • PsyLev - Transylvaliens crew, Romania

The Transylvaliens Festival is not just an open-air gathering, but a space in which cultural diversity, modern art, music and future thinking can coexist in full harmony with the wonderful natural environment of Transylvania, the heart of the Carpathian Garden.

Transylvaliens Festival 2015 continues the series of yearly events which aim to bring together participants from all over the world in order to meet together and spend four days surrounded by a variety of modern and futuristic art forms (psychedelic trance music, visual art, paintings, theater shows and many more).

Your support:

  • until midnight: 15 RON (3.5E)
  • after midnight: 20 RON (4.5E)

Locul evenimentului: SWAP (Soseaua Mihai Bravu 32)


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