Shai Hulud



Data: 27 Aprilie 2016, 21:00 Miercuri
Preț: 20, 25 Lei


Rugam pastrarea bratarilor de access (Spectatori & Organizatori) la vedere pe toata durata concertului. Pierderea sau deteriorarea acestora reprezinta automat pierderea accesului la eveniment.

Pentru acest eveniment nu va exista gard intre public si scena motiv pentru care de asemenea va rugam sa aveti maxima atentie la instalatia de sunet.
Multumim pentru intelegere!

Please keep the access wristbands (Spectators & Staff) in sight for the entire length of the event. Loosing or damaging them will automatically mean loosing the access for the show.

For this show there will be no protection fence in front of of the stage so please pay maximum attention to the sound equipment.
Thank you for understanding!

  • Shai Hulud [USA] - Metal / Hardcore
  • The Boy Who Cried Wolf [Romania] - Metal / Hardcore / Punk
  • Take No More [Romania] - Hardcore / Punk

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