QFEST – ZIUA VI – Sear Bliss | Thy Catafalque | The Committee| Warhymn | Smae


  • QFEST – ZIUA VI – Sear Bliss | Thy Catafalque | The Committee| Warhymn | Smae


Data: 7 Octombrie 2023 Sâmbătă


On the sixth day of Qfest we go METAL. It is going to be a very special night with 5 special shows along with Sear Bliss, Thy Catafalque, The Committee, Warhymn and Smae


The year 2023 is special in Sear Bliss's activity, not only that the band is celebrating their 30th anniversary but also a fifth show in Bucharest. So on the 07th of October the gig in Quantic will be a festive one, Sear Bliss will celebrate these milestones with a special performance. We'll enjoy pieces from previous albums and also new songs from the bands upcoming 9th album to be released next year.

See you in the pit for a special gig and afterwards meet you at the bar for a proper celebration!


The music media usually labels them as avantgarde metal, but the discography, that Tamás built in the last 25 years consists of much more moods and music elements, like black metal, ethno influences, Hungarian folklore, electronica and many metal subgenres. Tamás is working together with the French label Season of Mist since 2011 and in the last two years he finally built a live band to display another layer of his ever-changing creative side. Thy Catafalque are finally playing their first shows in Romania: Timisoara (6th October) and Bucharest at Q-Fest (7th October)



The Committee is an International collaboration of Black Metal artists. Started as a 2-man project back in 2007, the band formed into a full collective just a few short years later.

The Committee plays a symphony of dark, cold Doom/Black metal, inspired by the dystopian philosofies, the sadistic art of social engineering, grim historic events and the sheer destructive side of human nature.

The band members are completely apolitical and hover above stamps and labels, tapping inspiration from the worst aspects of human history and the inevitable rise of a dystopian future.

Discography :

Holodomor - EP / 2013

Power Through Unity - Full-length / 2014

Memorandum Occultus - Full-length / 2017

Utopian Deception - Full-length / 2020


WARHYMN is an occult black metal band that delivers an atmospheric sound, while approaching themes of gnosticism and different philosophical perspectives on topics such as self-consciousness, the origin of sin, and the foundation of the world we live in.

Discography :

Gnosis (album - 2020)

Live in Studio ( live EP - 2021)

Cult of Primordials (EP - 2022)


Rizea - Guitars / Vocals

Shavy - Guitars / Vocals

Hex - Bass Guitar

Philip - Drums


The band SMAÉ, based in Iași, Romania, is a black metal band with their own take on the genre, highlighted by fusing together various stylistic influences; some of its members having a background in other musical projects such as Subliminal Damage.

The acronym "SMAÉ" comes from the Hungarian phrase "Sötét Már Az Évad" which roughly translates to "the season is already dark".

The lyrical themes of the songs come from concepts such as unilateral perception, moral atony or social asymmetry.

The band is currently working on their debut album.


István Nagy - guitar & vocals

Nissiku Amunndamus - guitar

Johann Eduard Groza - keyboards

Vlad Borcan - bass & vocals

Cosmin Isar - drums


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