GROZA - The Redemptive End Tour - Balkans 2022 - // Mauna Sol // Exuviath



Data: 6 Decembrie 2022 Marți


» The Redemptive End «

Release date: July 30th, 2021 // AOP Records
As the world stands still, paralyzed and numb with fear, German black metal collective GROZA breaks the deafening silence to unveil their second full length album “The Redemptive End” – capturing the current times devastating atmosphere of utmost hopelessness and resignation.

Founded as a one - man project by singer / guitarist P.G. in 2016, the band grew towards a full band
in the following two years , culminating in the birth of their first effort - “Unified In Void” (2018). With its revelation through AOP Records , a storm was spawned to consume everything and everyone crossing its path, relentlessly raging with passion and wrath during many live rituals on tours and festivals all over Europe.
Although the familiar rumble and chants of raw anger and despair continue to drone unabated on the
successor, GROZA’s sound also explores new frontiers on the band’s latest album .
For the first time, clean, even post -rock inspired passages shine deceptive rays of light through the
dark, only to be devoured by searing melodies, drenched in sorrow and hopelessness and devastated by raging storms of blast beats, in the very next moments.
“ The Redemptive End ”wasrecorded during the summer / autumn of 2020. Recorded and mixed by P.G. and mastered with the help of Michael Kraxenberger (Sick Of Sound), the six tracks of the album encapsulate the prevailing state of numbing isolation and desperation in sonic format.
1.Sunken In Styx–Part I:Submersion
2.Sunken In Styx–Part II: Descent
3.Elegance Of Irony
4.The Redemptive End5. Nil
6. Homewards

P.G.–lead vocals, guitars
U.A.–backup vocals, guitars
M.S.–bass guitar

Mauna Sol has its origins in an instrumental project with black metal influences, initiated in the spring of 2016, by guitarist Marius Licu, member of The Thirteenth Sun band, from Brașov, Romania. The project was put aside until 2019, when, based on a few short stories written by George Costan, who will eventually become the band’s vocalist, a new concept took shape. The concept redefined the music already written, the material becoming closely related to one of the stories, describing the sufferings of a man who chooses hermitage instead of a comfortable life.

In the winter of 2019, with the co-optation of George Costan (vocals), Ionuț Cățeanu (bass guitar) and two former Protonyk members, guitarist Bogdan Itu and drummer Andrei Rențea (Pedestrians and Ego Store), Mauna Sol was born.

Exuviath band started as an ambition then soon turned into our number one priority dream two years ago.

‘Exuviath’ was conceived around two ex-members from ‘Hovercraft’ (Alex and Bobo), some of the pioneers of doom-death in the 90’s Romania.

The enthusiasm and mightiness Andrei brings (ex frontman of ‘Spinecrusher’ and ‘Violesson’ with a voice with no introduction needed in romanian underground music) adds to the experience of the band founders.

Mircea and Cătălin are our two young guitarists from this new exciting generation of rockstars, that will for sure be seen on our stages in the future.

These very diffrent backgrounds turn the sound of ‘Exuviath’ into not only something fresh but old-school at the same time, leaving the 90’s metal clichés behind.

Exuviath can’t wait to meet the public in Quantic again and they will try to deliver a phenomenal show .


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