Tipografia Tea & Coffee


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Tipul: Cafenea, Ceainărie
Nivel de prețuri:
Lun - Vin:07:30 - 01:00
Sam - Dum:09:00 - 01:00

Informații de contact

Telefon: 0722 373 090
E-mail: tipareste@tipo-grafia.ro
Adresa: Braşov, str. Postăvarului , nr. 1




Located in the old center of the town, at the crossroad between Diaconu Coresi and Postavarului streets, Tipografia is a cozy place where you can spend the first half of the day socializing over breakfast and coffee, or you can bring your laptop for a quiet work session. In the evening you can enjoy events including book releases, product tastings, art house film projections, live music concerts (rock, blues, soul, jazz, funk or classical music). Tipografia also hosts meetings with local and national notable figures, theatrical productions, parties, exhibitions, performances, press conferences, poetry readings etc.

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